Sunday, October 4, 2009


There I was, years ago, dialing into company bulletin boards, searching through indexes, sifting through articles, and reading the text on my monochrome monitor. Blogs are better.

In the classroom, blogs are convenient and powerful tools. Sites such as,, and, provide necessary resources and offer curriculum ideas to get things started. Blogs can be easily created, archived, and provide a communication and lively discussion.

After looking through a variety of websites and resources, I’ve created a condensed list of 5 ways blogs are commonly used in classrooms.

1. Post assignments and resource links
2. Course collaboration, debate, and discussions
3. Research, read comments, or post questions on blogs created by content experts
4. Create and showcase student portfolios, journals, or reflections
5. Project or event management/coordination tool

A good general description and how-to resources can be found using these links:

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