Sunday, October 11, 2009

That's or is an online social bookmarking resources meaning I can share my favorite online resource links with others and likewise gain access to their bookmarks. If I have a personal webpage or other resource that I don’t want to share, I can choose to protect that bookmark by making it private.

Because it’s live and on the web and not on stored locally within a browser it can be accessed from any computer or device with Internet access. This makes sharing resources with students exceptionally easy without having to write long urls on a whiteboard. The only downside of course is missing the entertaining parade of students traveling back and forth from the board to the computer in an effort to remember and enter the website address correctly.

With the resources shared and available online, students can also access them from home making the project easier. Students can simply click on the link without worry or excuse of entering an incorrect web address.

Another import feature of is the ability to tag bookmarks. Tags are single word descriptors that are assigned to bookmarks by users. It is much like coding or using keywords in database or web pages. The use of tags eliminates the need for hierarchical system of folders within folders, where bookmarks become lost or forgotten. Tags can be searched and sorted for easy recovery and the customization allows you additional flexibility, for example you could tag bookmarks with a specific project, class, or even school name.

The social aspect of provides an element of social action between yourself, students, and other teachers or field experts. This expansion provides the opportunity to serendipitously discover resources that your or your students may have never located using traditional search methods. Social bookmarking provides an exponential amount of resources and often the number of individuals sharing the same bookmark provides a clue about the websites popularity and related value. also provides a tool for creating communities or networks. You have the ability of viewing and tracking bookmarks from your peers or students.


Goins, B., (Image creator). (2009). Delicious screenshot. Retreived October 09, 2009, from:

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