Sunday, October 4, 2009


The following rss feeds provide resources, ideas, and a community of experiences that enable me to further integrate web 2.0 tools into my classroom.

1. ISTE Connects: The International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) is the governing agency for the National Education Technology Standards. As a technology teacher, this organizing is the guiding entity for my classroom curriculum and it is important that I?m aware of new trends and events that will shape and directly impact my classroom.
2. Illinois Computing Educators (ICE): Is an organization for Illinois technology teachers. This feed will hopefully provide state and local information and resources as well as opportunities for collaboration and updates for our annual organizational conference.
3. Education Technology: edited by Professor Ray Schroeder of the University of Illinois, this rss provides news, techniques and theories of effective technology use in education.
4. eLearn Magazine: provides a collaborative environment for educators utilizing web-based tools for teaching. The post and feeds provided a variety of topics and information that will be very helpful as I further integrate web 2.0 tools.
5. PBS Resources for the classroom: PBS?s discusses the relationships between new technologies and the resulting impact on how teachers teach and students learn.

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